Thursday 27 March 2014

One Month Down, Unda!

        WOW, can you believe i've been in Australia for a month?! It's crazy how quickly the hours turn to days, the days turn into weeks and now the weeks into a full month. I admit, I still have moments where I need to pinch myself a little to make sure that i'm actually living this life. I remember a few months prior to me leaving I had started second guessing if I would be able to do this. Move to a place unfamiliar, so very far from friends and family and become a part of this family. I am so glad I took my leap of Faith and boarded that plane to Oz. With this first month I know that this is what I wanted and needed.

          So what have I been up to the last few weeks? Besides my normal weekly routine i've experienced a few exciting moments as well. Both of the children are actively involved in extracurricular activities, while i'm familiar with gymnastics, piano and a few other odds and ends i've also gotten to learn about calisthenics. I'd describe calisthenics as various gymnastic/dance movements created to promote health, strength, flexibility and grace. Often they used "equipment" such as rods or clubs, other times they do what we would consider "lyrical" pieces. These individuals are very flexible and hard working! Coco is involved in a calisthenics club that meets every saturday. They practice all the variations of Calisthenics weekly and soon will begin performances. Growing up in dance I have not only an appreciation but love for the sport. It's truly fun and amazing to watch.

       Aside from the daily routine, I have gotten to experience a little more of Australia and where I live. Besides my daily adventures around town where I am beginning to have favorite coffee shops, cafes and boutiques, my trips into Melbourne, we also made a little trip about an hour down to Torquay where our holiday house is. Leanne's friend and her family also came down for the weekend too. Besides staying in a gorgeous home we also spent time at Torquay beach, drove along the Great Ocean Road and went on a hike where we walked in the tree tops. The absolute beauty and serenity that we saw and felt that weekend was so relaxing.

      So now that i'm getting a taste of the area I thought i'd fill you in on a few other elements. Lets start with...
- Driving. And on the left side of the road. Surprisingly, I think i'm a better left side of the road driver than  I am on the right side. I've even parallel parked a few times and didn't hit anything ;). I have yet to see a 4 way stop using stop signs, instead they use round-a-bouts.

- Jet lag. I think it took me about two weeks to finally feel that my body was back to normal. Had more energy throughout the day, was able to stay up a bit later, wake up earlier, etc.

-Food. Well I did try a Kangaroo burger, and it was delicious!! Otherwise food is very similar to it is in the states. I was asked about Vegemite. I think about half of the aussies love it and the other half hate it. I have tried it in multiple settings, not a huge fan when it's used as a spread on toast or by itself. But we have used it as a baste for roast and because of the salty taste of vegemite it was delicious. (Don't for one second think Vegemite would taste anything like Nutella)

-Lingo. Goodness this one will take me some time. I've picked up on every day phrases such as: "the boot"-trunk, "lollys"- candy, "jumper"- sweater, "prim"- stroller, "pardon"- I never hear what huh excuse me, "arvo"- afternoon, "chewy"- gum, "rubber"- eraser. Haha this is just a few i've had to get a bit adjusted too, trust me their are many more :).

-Music. I mostly listen to the radio when taking the kids to and from places, i've found a few "pop" stations and the ONE country station, but luckily the kids don't mind it.

(If anyone wants to know anything feel free to ask away).

Needless to say this first month has been one for the books. In April i'm looking forward to my friend Sarah's birthday, my birthday and while the kids are on a school holiday with their dad I will be traveling to Cairns (near Great Barrier Reef) to spend some time with a few mates. Lots to look forward to this next month!!!

I would like to send a few prayers and positive thoughts to the Keating family. You have always welcomed me into your home as not only a friend but another member of the family. Wishing I could be there physically for you all. Love you guys!!!

And to Brandon Martino who has just completed his time at basic! So very proud of you and can't wait to hear from you!!!!!  Love ya B!

Missing everyone at home but so blessed to know that you all support and love me while on my journey!

Xoxo- Cheers- A


Friday 21 March 2014

Nanny 9-1-1

Hello to all my lovely blog readers. First of all, don't you have better things to do than to read about my life? Only kidding, that is what we're here for! I have had an overwhelming amount of question's this far in my journey, the majority of which wondering pro's/ con's and just details on nannying and my every day details. So I decided I would write it all down in a blog for those of you who are seriously interested or just curious about the little details that make up my every day. :)

So where to begin--

Why nanny?
My answer to this is for the simple fact that i've known for years, after college graduation I wanted to travel. I've always had a desire to travel to Australia specifically, no real rhyme or reason, nothing I must do/see there, only a deep down want to go. However, to travel internationally cost's an arm and a leg, and as far as traveling i've never been a "touristy" person. I like to see and do things that the locals take part in. What is it REALLY like in the area, not what society or other people have painted a picture of. Another thought is why not just pack up and move on your own, find a job there, etc. When nannying you have already got a job lined up, a family who is awaiting your arrival, a home of which is free rent- many include groceries, gas money and other bonus's on top of a pay. Often pay is a bit cheaper especially if you are a live-in. You have to take all the elements into consideration when deciding on a pay. How often will you be "working"? Will you have set days off? What will be included in living experience? etc etc. So for me it was an easy choice to try the nanny gig. I love children, traveling, cooking and just being a part of another family. My first time nannying was in New York City a few summers ago, this was an experience. A lot of highs and lows, but it allowed me to grow and realize things not only about myself but also what important elements to consider when looking for a family to nanny for. (I'll discuss this later on).

I started nannying through the website On this website you can search for families anywhere around the world. You are able to use the site/ create an account for free however in order to message a family first you must be a paying member. However, if they write you first it will let you write back. I've used it both ways and have had success. I believe their are other websites similar to this, but i've only used greataupair for long distance live-in jobs.

What to look for?
This is VERY important. Some of these points might seem obvious, almost silly but often the simple things are what is most important when beginning your journey as a nanny.

1. What is the family looking for from YOU? - Some families will want you to play a role as a big sister/family member, others will look for you as an occasional sitter, some want you for work- a nanny/housekeeper/family chef/ all errand runner/ kid drop offs/ dog walker/ part time business employee/ full time busy (if you catch my drift). I have been blessed with both families whom just include me in their every day routine and treat me as a member of the family. My priority first and foremost is the children and tending to their needs, everything else has fallen into place nicely. Leanne (the mother i'm currently living with) created an "Aupair manual" with all of this information as well as what I will continue to talk about in this blog.

2. What is the family like? Are the parents Single/Married/Divorced? What do the parents do? How often will they be out of the home for work? Beliefs, if any? What are they interested in? etc And of course the children- this can sometimes be difficult, because I'm pretty sure it's a fact that all parents will say "oh we have the sweetest, most well mannered, best listening children...." I'm gonna go with DOUBT IT. (Coming from my first experience in nyc). It's important to try and get a good vibe from the parents but also TALK to the children, I know for this experience we spoke on the phone and through skype. I was also in contact with the prior nanny to ask any questions on the children and family in general.  Also consider- how many children do they have- can YOU handle children full time (because some days it can be that way) - Are they in extracurricular activities- Do you allow children to watch tv/ any diet restrictions etc. Little questions are very important when considering a family.

3.  Where will you be living? What kind of space will you have for your own (you'll want a little every once in awhile)- What style of home do you live in, apartment, house, etc, I have found it important to have a back yard, even if it's small. Children neeeeed fresh air and room to jump around and let out some energy.
  As far as the location itself- is it a city/ town/ rural area etc. How are driving conditions in the area (will I be doing a lot of driving)- Can I get to places that are within walking distance- What are things to do/see in your town- Are their people MY age in the area- etc. My second time around I made sure to not only research exactly where my home was located and what it looked like (thanks google maps) but also what was available for me to do in that area.

4. What will my schedule be like most often? - This kind of relates with #1. For example my schedule is something along these lines: Coco (age 6) goes to school Monday- Friday from 9 to 3:30. Hugo (age 4) goes to school 3 days a week (tuesday-thursday). I normally will wake up, make breakfast, get the kids ready for school (Leanne also contributes to mornings as well, but I try to get most things done). Drop kids off. Me time(beach, shops, port, groceries, cleaning etc) Pick the kids up. Go to gymnastics, piano, play dates, etc. Dinner- bath- bed (Depending on Leanne's work schedule; which I was aware of prior; she is often home and helps but some evenings it's just good ol nanny anjelica). I have every Wednesday and Sunday off, as well as every other weekend. It sounds hectic, but I have a lot of down time and once I had gotten into a routine the days/evenings go smoothly.

5. How much will you be getting payed- what will all be included- etc. (Fairly simple, just need to converse with the family on specifics)

6. Does the family travel and will you be included on these travels. - What kind of holidays do the kids have off from school- Are you allowed any free vacation time aside from the family?

This was just a few of the most basic and important things to consider/ discuss. When it comes to pro's and con's of nannying I can only say a few negatives.
-Cons: first and foremost leaving the familiar behind, family, friends, your life as you once knew it.  (However with technology it is very easy to stay in touch daily). Besides that, i'd say the biggest con would have to align with disciple between you and the children. You have to remember, you are not the parent (if you don't remind yourself, the kids will be the first to speak up) but instead you are an extra pair of hands. You are here to help the parents and children. But, once in awhile i'll still catch me acting like my mother (sorry mom, nothing bad, in fact all the right things just not my children or my decision). However I relate it very much to as a teacher. On that first day you want to be kind and fun but also explain to them your expectations in a manner they will respect and understand. I always use positive reinforcement every day but when needed we use "time out" (which is still a struggle from time to time) Coco sits for 6 minutes, Hugo for 4 minutes- time doesn't start until they are sitting still quietly. But it's important to always stay positive, even if sh%t is hitting the fan. Just stay in control but try and communicate so they can understand. This is just something I learned from my first experience to work on during this one.

- Pro's: travel, experience, becoming a member of someone else's family, growing as an individual/ independence, working with children on a daily basis, I could go on and on and on, the pro's will always always outweigh the so called con's. This is the time to travel and live your life. (Might be a bit harder for all my friends who are in serious relationships and or married, not a dis to you by any means:) ). You will gain so much through any great adventure so take the opportunity. I've found that home is anywhere your heart is. Yes, I will always consider Kansas my "home" or even "where I'm from", a place where all my friends and loved ones are. But those important places and people will be there no matter what road you take, and that's what home means to me.

If anyone has any more questions please feel free to ask me. :) Hope this helps!!

Cheers- A

Thursday 6 March 2014


Wow, I can't believe i've already been in Australia for a week! Time really does fly by when you're having fun! My first week was filled with a plethora of up's and also just a few down's. Here is a run down on my busy first week in the land of Oz. 

Saturday night- My first evening out in the city of Melbourne. I went with Sarah (Leanne's prior nanny) and a few of her friends. We had dinner at a bar/restaurant called Father's Office. It is an "American theme" bar, they served "Kansas City BBQ wings" as one of their food items. Being an "American" bar they also served ice cold Budweiser, and that my friends is 'Merica. After dinner and a few drinks we went to a few other bars in the area. It was a blast seeing some of the city and meeting new people, however my jet lagged body was dragging! We stayed at a friend of Sarah's house in the city.

Sunday- Was a day spent at the Brunswick Music Festival. Such a great opportunity to people watch all the unique individual's that make up the city and surrounding areas. The crowded streets we're filled with food, clothing, jewelry and street performers. I also got a little taste of the Australian sun. Wear sunscreen folks, it'll get ya!

Monday and Tuesday was spent taking the kiddo's to school, wondering the streets of williamstown, spending some relaxation hours at the beach, picking the kiddo's back up and running them to various activities (gymnastics, piano lessons). Starting dinner, baths, homework and bedtime. However we have started a routine which makes things easier on not only the kids, myself and Leanne too. I have found it to be a difficult when doing "readers" with Coco. My mom is a first grade teacher so i've had a lot of time listening and observing here teach reading one on one with students. So while Coco is learning to read, I remind her to "sound it out", "what sounds do A make". Then I remember we have a difference in pronunciation. So I have been trying to read and sound words out like they do. Not an easy thing but with practice I can learn anything right. However while I was reading my own book before bed I caught myself sounding words out with the accent. Who knows maybe I will come home talking rubbish ;).

Wednesday- the kiddo's spent the day at school and the evenings at their dad's home (only a few minutes away) which means NANNY NIGHT OFF :). A friend of Leanne's gave us 4 free box tickets to Miguel and Bruno Mars. The suspense throughout my day was like none other. Sarah and I went with a few friends into Melbourne for the big show. It was FANTASTIC!!! Both Miguel and Bruno performed their cute, hip thrusting booties off! Bruno had the crowd up on their feet dancing, singing and having a wonderful time. The photo's I took just don't do justice on his performance.

Thursday was very much like Monday and Tuesday. Thursday I walked all of Williamstown hitting my favorite spots, taking a few pictures and embracing the beauty. Forgot about sunscreen, and that my purse was draped across my body (terrible tan line). I also didn't think about the repercussions of wearing new sandals; blisters on the bottom of my feet. Not pleasant. But can't complain!

WHEW! What a week!!!

Early I spoke of a few "down's" throughout my time so far. Besides for a few sun burns and blistered feet the only other time had to do with my terrible sense of direction, I literally got lost more times then I can begin to count. My idea of directions is "turn left at the big rock", "take a right near the wheat field onto the gravel road" etc. Being frustrated with directions, hungry kids and a tired jet lagged nanny, for a brief moment I was questioning if I could do this. Could I live in a place where I know little to no one, little to nothing, family and friends at home?

However with a few deep breaths and a few helpful hints from the kids I found my way. It's kind of like life really, we often get a little lost and side tracked but with patience you can get through anything. It's important to stop and look at all the beauty that surrounds you. How lucky am I to be living this life? I've taken a chance to explore, enjoy a new way of life and learn who I really am.  I'm not waiting and hoping for dreams to come true, I have taken a leap of faith and am making my dreams a reality. Leanne, Coco and Hugo are all wonderful, happy, intelligent people who light up any room they walk into. I'm living within walking distance of a gorgeous beach, port, shops and parks. A town full of happy, helping, friendly people. This is true bliss, my friends.

We have been listening to a new song on the radio, It's called Free by Rudimental. (Not sure if it's popular in the States or not). Lyrics go a little something like this: "I drink a little more than recommended, this world ain’t exactly what my heart expected. Tryna find my way someway, oh I, oh I, oh I.. See, whoa, c’est la vie. Maybe something’s wrong with me. But, whoa, at least I am free, I am free."

-- Cheers, A