Friday 11 July 2014

Making Changes

Making Changes- 

The winter months are quickly coming and going over here in Australia. The kids had a two week holiday throughout the first two weeks of July. The first week was spent with the kids, we went to the movies, swimming, tumbles, park and even had a picnic at the beach on a sunny day. Mid-week I was hit pretty hard with the flu that has knocked me out of commission for awhile. On Saturday night Leanne, the kids and I loaded up the car and drove 5 hours to Mt. Hotham.

Mt. Hotham is a beautiful mountainous region in Australia. While most days the temperature was around 0 degrees Celsius (32 f), so a rather mild snowy climate. We had loads of fun in the snow; snow ball fights, wrestles, snow angels and skiing. The kids were delighted to play in the snow, they would have stayed outside until they turned blue. Which, when I was younger I was the same way. I'll never forget sledding behind the 4-wheeler with my sisters and step dad, the uncomfortable feeling of being so warm in your bundled up clothes you start to sweat, and after hours of playing outside coming inside for a hot chocolate. Brought back lots of happy winter memories.

For those of you who have been following my journey thus far you'd know that I had at one point been deciding on if i'd stay 6 months or my full year in Australia. After only being here a month or two I had decided to stay my full year. Initially I had planned to stay in Williamstown with Leanne and her family. However a few months ago I made the decision to take another road in Australia. I am and always will be thankful for my time with Leanne and the whole family. It wasn't about "finding another family" I am wanting to make the most out of my opportunity in Australia. I feared that I would have regrets if I stayed my full year in one place. I questioned if I was really putting myself out there and gaining experiences. So as bittersweet as it's been to explain my leaving, i'm also beyond excited for the next road in my journey.

I was blessed to have found another loving family here in Australia. This family lives in Palm cove, which is 20 minutes from Cairns and the great barrier reef. Husbands name is Brent, wife is named Sarah and they also have two children; Ella is 8 and Nash is 5. I was so nervous about starting over with a new family but as soon as I spoke with Sarah I knew they were the perfect fit for me. I will be moving to Palm cove in less than a week. (Friday, July 18th). So excited to be in the tropical climate again, with a warm and loving family.

This last month has been the toughest for me as far as being away from home. I knew when coming to Australia for possibly a year these summer months (at home) would be the hardest. I've had so many people say, "you are living in AUSTRALIA, how could you miss home". And i've come to the conclusion it's not about where you are it's about who you are with. Yes, I absolutely love it in Australia, but it can be very lonely without my close friends and family. It's so easy to communicate with technology and everything, but it's not the same as jumping in the car to drive and see the people you love and care for the most. It breaks my heart to miss friends birthdays, weddings, baby showers and many more life moments. But while it can be hard, I am still happy and proud of myself for my journey thus far. I am living my life every day with no regrets and that's what matters most.

While in Hotham I had the opportunity to get a tarot card reading. And i've always thought it's a silly idea but I went along with it anyways. I chose a "general" reading. Instead of asking one specific question, the reading asked a series of questions for me and i'd like to share my reading with you all. 

1. Where am I now or an area that which concerns me? 

in search of the truth, experience life altering events, however struggling with feelings of inadequacy and wanting to get rid of negative people and feelings in your life. 

2. What is the force/ motivation behind my desire? 

Your focus is on travel but my heart and mind is on life, love and the pursuit of happiness. 

3. What is the underlining problem i'm currently facing?

Wanting things to be different than the way they are. This is in which the environment you live, work, and the people you associate with. 

4. What do I need to understand that i'm not aware of?

Your lack of faith within yourself is hindering ability to see what you really want. Don't give up on yourself or another or consider the situation hopeless. 

5. Best way to proceed?

relax and let ideas come and go, when the right ones come you will know. 

6. What's my ultimate attainment? 

potential that could be or is about to be, increase social activities and new areas of fulfillment. A new start or way of life will be realized

WOW! I couldn't believe how spot on the reading was. I suppose with readings and such you can formulate the reading to apply it to your own life, however I couldn't help but think it was so spot on.

A lot of my family and friends have contacted me the last couple weeks, many just to say hi and see how things have been. I am so thankful for every single message I have received. I have the best life and love everyone in it. Sometimes you have to go someplace new and completely different to find yourself and see your world for what it is, not what you want it to be. Just last night I had one of the best and most meaningful heart to hearts with a good girlfriend from home. We talked a lot about our past, things we wished we would have done, taken notice to, or even things we wish we hadn't done. As women I think we try to find the good in everyone, we can envision someone as we wish for them to be, but not always as they truly are. But all in all, the past is the past, we can learn and grow from it. We shouldn't allow our past to hinder our future.

So when I woke up this morning and saw that one of my all time favorite movies was on tv, I was so happy the positive vibes continued. I want to share a little quote from it because it's so true.  "Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you, he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, every store we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focus on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe.. it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over. Freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this that you never gave up hope".

This last month has not only been about making changes physically but mentally and emotionally as well. :)


                                                          Photo taken at Mt. Hotham