Thursday 5 June 2014

Winter days

Winter days..

Hello to my readers (so all 3 of you), it is time for another blog from the Kansas gal down under. I can't believe this will be my 4th month in Australia, time is flying by and i'm enjoying every minute. I will say, this month I started feeling just a little homesick. Our winter months have started, although it is still very mild, with day time temperatures in the high 50's low 60's. Very comfortable and actually enjoyable as far as winters go. While it is getting into the cooler months, friends and family at home have started summer months. One thing I will always love about Kansas is the summer months, at times it can be sooo hot and almost miserable. However, it's always been the simplistic life that I love. Friends, family, grilling out, lake and a little dirt road is where summers unfold. I will always remember the good times i've made over the years, and it keeps me positive in knowing that my true friends and family will be home when I return to continue making unforgettable memories.

While I have those memories to be thankful for, i'm even more excited about the things i've experience so far in Oz. While my routine has stayed the same tending to the children, and i've enjoyed countless laughs with Leanne, I have also had a little "off time" to travel outside of Williamstown. I have now been to Cairns (great barrier reef) twice now. My first time traveling to Cairns we experienced a cyclone-- just my luck. However, it was so nice to relax and hang out with a few mates. My second trip was a lot more productive. The weather was a bit rainy towards the start, however my last few days were filled with sunshine. (Yes, it is winter up north as well- however it remains in the 80's+ year round).  I was able to finally do a few touristy things, getting to hold koalas, pet/feed kangaroos and walking amongst other australian animals.

Not only was I able to interact with the animals I was able to try a few of Australia's animal cuisines as well. (Sorry, had to). Jim and I went to a very nice restaurant where I tried octopus, barramundi, emu, water buffalo, kangaroo and crocodile. For those of you who don't know, I wouldn't consider myself to be "picky" however i've never been a fan of seafood along with a few other things. Yet, I enjoyed everything I tasted- except for the Octopus. Texture was too weird for me, couldn't like it haha.

Aside from experiences I have also learned a lot over these last few months away. One thing in particular.. I have had soooo many friends comment on how awesome it is that i've traveled/ living in Australia. They say how envious they are, wishing they could do the same, etc. And I don't say that to brag, i'm repeating it because if I can do this, anyone can. Yes, it can be difficult to be so far from home. Yes, I miss my friends and family very much. Yes, it's hard to get adjusted to a new place, new home, new country. Yes, YOU CAN DO IT :). It is worth it. I am sooo happy I chose to travel and experience these moments. Life is short, life is what you make of it. Don't wait around wishing for life to happen, it's happening every day but it's up to you to make the most of it.

This experience has made me realize how big the world really is, and how you can experience things you never thought possible. I have realized that before this adventure, I had done some traveling here and there but not nearly enough. To travel is something that touches the soul above all else. For me it fills a void that i've longed for. A true happiness. I have plans to travel throughout my remainder time in Australia; Sydney, Brisbane and New Zealand just to name a few. But my travels won't stop there. I will continue to see the world and experience new things. I am thankful that i've realized this at my age so I can continue to make the most of my life.

"I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question."

Cheers- A

                                                             Melbourne Night Lights


  1. I'm sure you have more than 3 readers.. lol if I read I'm sure there are many more... its very neat to read about your experiences....

  2. haha thanks shea!!! I love looking at all your pictures and such through Facebook! I hope all is well :)

  3. Love that last quote! Adding it to my Thought For the Day list. Oh...and who is Jim? Hmmmm???!!!
